Where college students go for golf

Harry Chiu

Recent Posts

College Golf / June 18, 2014
Take a chance. Go play golf.

Take a chance. Go play golf.

By Harry Chiu

To me, Golf WAS that boring “sport” that old farts played. It WAS a rich man’s sport. It WAS a waste of time. 10 years later, I’m now the kid with an absolute obsession for the game (and no, I’m not old OR rich).

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College Golf / January 11, 2014
How College Golfers Survive Winter Golf

How College Golfers Survive Winter Golf

By Harry Chiu

As a New Englander, I share one thing in common with professional golfers alike: our golf season is coming to an end (well, for me, it’s more literal). Darn those dreaded, long New England winters!

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