Before, during, and after each semester, we here at the NCCGA talk a lot with the various Presidents of club golf teams across the country. The topics include tournament experiences, how we can improve, and what their biggest struggles are. One of the common struggles we hear from students is the lack of funding.
While some clubs receive funding from their school, many others are left on their own to pay for tournaments out-of-pocket. This can often leave a huge financial burden on each individual student, and is the biggest hurdle new teams will encounter.
Nextgengolf's CTO Mahesh Murthy spent the winter season working hard on a fundraising platform for all club teams, and it was unveiled at the beginning of the month. All club teams now have the ability to set-up a fundraising campaign for their team, and collect donations online from friends, family, alumni, or anyone else looking to support the students.
The best part of the platform, besides its simplicity, is the ability for the NCCGA sponsors to help. Contributors can elect to contribute directly to a club, or select from a variety of sponsor products to receive in return for their contribution, including Cleveland/Srixon, Oxford Golf, OGIO, and more.
Ready to get started?
1) Determine your fundraising captain
2) Log into the Nextgengolf portal and set-up the fundraising campaign
3) Spread the word to your team and start sharing your public fundraising link (it works best if each club members sends the link to 10-15 people in their circle of friends/family/co-workers/etc. If everyone in the club does that it receives a wide audience of potential contributors)
4) Collect your contributions
Start your club's fundraising campaign
We hope the new platform will find a use for all club teams, and allow more students and schools to get involved in the NCCGA. To find the fundraising platform, log-in to your Nextgengolf Club President account and select "Setup fundraising now".