Coming from a lifetime of participation in team sports, college was a rough transition due to the difficulties of free time. It seemed that whenever I had some time aside to get a pickup game of soccer or basketball going, everyone was busy. That’s where the golf course and range came in.
Whenever I had some spare time between classes and work, I knew that I could find solace and relaxation on the fairway. Golf is a sport that can often be played best by one’s self, which was a refreshing change of pace for me. It is also an interesting dynamic, being the only one able to attribute to your successes and failures. I believe it is difficult to find a more relaxing environment than a quiet 7:40 tee-time at a local club.
With that being said, however, the company of close friends and family can only add to the enjoyment. The camaraderie associated with a small foursome of your closest friends enjoying a morning or afternoon of golf is unlike any other activity. The banter, light-hearted trash talk, and genuine competition is a very enjoyable and rewarding way to supplement the company of friends.
After only a year and a half of playing, it is safe to say that I have found a lifetime sport that I will continue to enjoy for many years to come. Golf has already made a huge impact on my life and there is no doubt in my mind it will continue to do so. The challenges and difficulties only increase my drive for lower scores and will always keep me coming back for more.
By: Sam Eaton