Where college students go for golf

#GOLFIS What You Make Of It

By Nextgengolf

Golf has always been an exciting challenge for me. And while I can't hit in the 70s to save my life, I love every moment I'm out on the golf course. I've seen how golf can change lives since it has changed mine!

In my life, #GOLFis:

1. A chance to give back: Last year, I founded Ready Set Golf, a nonprofit golf program that pairs under-resourced teens and local business professionals as mentor/mentee in a beginner golf setting, using the sport as a platform to inspire students to pursue professional career paths. I feel empowered to utilize this program to #GrowGolf and democratize the sport.

2. An industry: As Social Media & Marketing intern at Nextgengolf, I can now look at golf as a job, but to me it is more than that. Now that I've met a few key people in the golf world, I’ve come to appreciate the continuous dedication and work that goes into the industry. The people who work in the golf industry truly love and care about golf.

3. Hanging with friends: I love the social aspect of golf - you can play 9 holes while getting to catch up with friends. Despite the fact that few Millennial girls play golf these days, I have a couple friends from my high school team with whom I still play rounds, and I cherish these friendships since it is unique to find other girls who enjoy golf.

4. A sport: Captaining my high school golf team gave me the opportunity to see golf as a competitive sport. My team competed in weekly matches and tournaments around New England, and contrary to popular belief, we were athletes just like the pros. I'm tired of everyone calling golf just a "game." Chess is a game, but golf is a sport.

5. A test of character: How you handle yourself after a bad shot is a pretty good test of your patience and ability to not take yourself too seriously. Next time you get mad on the course, look around at the other people you're playing with. Don't let a bad attitude ruin a great day of golf and socializing.

Let us know what you think #GOLFIs to you. To me, it's whatever you want it to be!

By: Margaret Efthim

Twitter: @MargaretEfthim

Instagram: marg3incharge

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