Where college students go for golf

NCCGA Florida Regional Recap

By David Urmacher

The NCCGA tournament on March 22 and 23, that took place at the Claw at USF, was one for the books.

The weather was perfect and the course conditions were a true test to the players’ talent. Even though the course was only 6,288 yards, it proved to be a true test with difficult greens and tight fairways that challenged the golfers both days.

After the first day, University of Florida got off to a great start led by a couple of 74’s by Timothy Garofalo and Raymond Boone. They posted four rounds in the 70’s for a total of 382. The newcomers felt confident after the first day but knew that Keiser (397) and FSU (416) would be gunning for them on Sunday.

The second day started out much like the first (although much earlier) with beautiful weather and fierce competition. Trailing by a mere 15 strokes, Keiser was looking to reclaim their status as the Florida Region’s best. They ended up with the lowest team total, but the University of Florida managed to hang on and secure the victory.

Meanwhile, while those two were battling it out for the first place team, FSU’s Turner Meek stole the show. With the tournament low round of 73 on Sunday, he was able to surpass Keiser’s Christopher Myrtle by one shot to win that magnificent medalist mug. Turner Meek for player of the week has a real nice ring to it, don’t ya think?

**Patrick Barnes is the NCCGA Florida Regional Coordinator. He can be reached via Twitter @NCCGAFlordia.

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