Everyone can use a little golf help

Adam Gracik

Adam Gracik is a junior at DePaul University, President and founder of the school's club golf team, and the NCCGA's Director of Tournament Operations in 2017.
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Golf Help / March 29, 2017
Golf Rules Quiz: Replacing a Moved Ball

Golf Rules Quiz: Replacing a Moved Ball

By Adam Gracik

In the first three weekends of the spring NCCGA season there were fewer rulings than past semesters, but with 17 tournaments this upcoming weekend and 24 taking place the weekend of April 8/9 there are bound to be a some unique situations that will require rulings. We will be running tournaments in about every climate and weather condition you can think of, so we are bound to have some different situations.

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Topics: golf rules

Golf Help / March 1, 2017
Golf Rules Quiz: Hazard or OB?

Golf Rules Quiz: Hazard or OB?

By Adam Gracik


Following each NCCGA regional tournament weekend I will be sharing the most unique rule situations that came up with the NCCGA community to further educate golfers on the rules in case any of these situations present themselves in your group.

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Topics: golf rules