Adapting to a new generation of golfers

Eight of the coolest golf tee markers

By Kris Hart

Want your golf tournament or golf course to stand out from the crowd? Get some cool tee markers that everyone will want to take a picture. Be different than the standard blue, white, and red. Below highlights eight really cool golf tee markers we found that leave a lasting impression.

1. Wegmans better watch out for kids on the course. If I was a youngster at the Wegmans LPGA Classic, I might want to take one of these shopping cart tee markers home. 

2. You better not steal anything from this course. These tee markers can be used as handcuffs at this jail golf course

Handcuff tee markers (1)

3. Don’t worry, this Bulldog at the UGA Golf Course does not bite

UGA tee markers

4. What color paint do you think is in the can?

Valspar paint can

5. Beer me!

beer tee markers (1)

6. Erin Hills shows us the classic, Keltic look

Erin Hills tee markers

7. A wise man once said “everything goes better with coke” – This marker is a classic

Coke tee markers

8. Can you drop a package in this tee box?

Image courtesy of Thoughtco

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