Hello all! Many things have happened in my life since I finished my term as President of the NCCGA in 2017. For starters, I wrapped up my 4-year NCCGA career in April and graduated from the University of Maryland with a B.S. in environmental science and policy. I thoroughly enjoyed my undergraduate years, highlighted by many tremendous experiences with the NCCGA and Nextgengolf. Thanks to the opportunities they provide, I was able to continue playing competitive golf in college and made many lifelong friendships along the way.
Nextgengolf provides so many great opportunities for millennial golfers—not only on the golf course, but also in the professional world. During the “Careers in Golf Networking Fair” at the Fall 2017 Nationals in Las Vegas, I met a representative from Billy Casper Golf and learned about their company and the professional opportunities. Recently, I began a marketing internship at the Billy Casper Golf headquarters in Reston, VA working on their World’s Largest Golf Outing (WLGO) team. Without Nextgengolf, I would have never learned about this internship or had the opportunity to meet with one of the hiring directors, something that was incredibly helpful in this process.
Billy Casper Golf is one of the largest privately-owned golf course management companies in the U.S., with nearly 150 properties in 29 states. Throughout the summer, I will be focusing on WLGO, the single largest charitable golf event held on one day—hosted on August 6th at more than 110 courses nationwide.
This year, WLGO is working with Fisher House Foundation, raising money to support their network of 76 comfort homes where military and veterans’ families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment. Since 1990, Fisher House has served over 335,000 families and provided more than 8 million days of free lodging. Beyond this, the Hero Miles program uses donated frequent flyer miles to bring family members to the bedside of injured service members, furthering their amazing support and making it easier for military families to be with their loved ones during times of need. Since 2011, WLGO has raised more than $3.7 million supporting military members and their families.
There are 108 registered courses and counting, for this year’s event. We are working hard towards reaching our fundraising goal of $1 million and so far, over $27,000 has been raised by participating teams and courses. Registering for WLGO automatically donates $10, the amount it costs to house a family in a Fisher House facility for one night. Each donation makes a huge difference! I strongly encourage everyone to register for this amazing event and consider donating to Fisher House Foundation. For more information about #WLGO18 and how to register can be found here.