Where college students go for golf

Nationals: From the perspective of the NCCGA President

By Brandon Bone

NCCGA Nationals is a special event for all of us.  From the staff, to the participants, to the sponsors each season's final event is an amazing experience. Last December, I traveled to Fall Nationals in Las Vegas at Paiute Resort and experienced the next level of the club golf atmosphere. I had to chance to meet Matt Weinberger (COO), Kris Hart (CEO), and the rest of the Nextgengolf to express my appreciation and let them know how special the event is to each club golfer. Soon thereafter I applied for the NCCGA President position and was selected for the position in 2018.

Spring 2018 NCCGA Nationals was a trip I will never forget. After flying in Wednesday afternoon, the entire staff went out to the baseball game where the St. Louis Cardinals played the New York Mets. What a great way to start off the trip. Thursday, we played a round at Norwood Hills CC and Bogey Hills CC and checked for any areas on the course that needed additional marking.

On Friday, I had the opportunity to execute my idea of the chipping and putting challenge. With the help of Mike Dunphy and Michael Jolly, our Srixon/Cleveland Golf player development representatives, we were able to work with our national partners and offer the participants some great prizes (hats, towels, and sleeves of Z-Star balls). The ultimate prize was a set of Cleveland wedges for the participant that chipped in and won the putting playoff. Here I felt a sense of self-gratitude witnessing the joy, competition, and laughter all the club golfers expressed.

NCCGA Nationals putting challenge

Saturday and Sunday were the big days, time for the rounds that mattered. Each morning I could see the stress, angst, and nerves in each guy and girl on the range and putting green. I served as the starter on the first hole on the West course and helped lead the scoring in the pavilion each day. I have to say, announcing the team and individual medalists on Sunday afternoon was so rewarding. Realizing that all the work we put in for months came to a special place with all the emotions of the players and the results. I had such a great time personally congratulating the top individuals and the top three teams with a trophy or flag.

The memories made in St. Louis as President of the NCCGA were truly unforgettable. Here I learned how to run a tournament of such a large scale and work so well with the Nextgengolf team. I was shocked with how efficiently the team worked behind the scenes. Playing in Las Vegas, I had no clue about any of the work the staff did behind the scenes. Again, the ability of the staff to hide the logistical work was impressive. I’m looking forward to Fall 2018 Nationals. See you all there!

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