Adapting to a new generation of golfers

Golf Industry / July 18, 2016
5 Funniest Golf Commercials Ever

5 Funniest Golf Commercials Ever

By Sam Oleksak

To those unfamiliar with the intricacies of the game of golf, it may seem like a dull, humorless sport. However, over the years advertisers have been able to look beyond old men wearing knickers and funny hats to take a humorous view of the game. Afterall, golf teaches players important lessons about building character while maintaining composure which can easily translate to real life. 

With that in mind, here is a look back at the top 5 funniest golf commercials of all time. Disagree? Tweet at us and let us know which funny golf commercial we missed.

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Topics: funny

Golf Industry / June 21, 2016
12 Golf Phrases You Probably Don't Know (But Should)

12 Golf Phrases You Probably Don't Know (But Should)

By Sam Oleksak

To an outside spectator, golf has a comprehensive set of specific jargon that could easily confuse someone who is new to the game (sometimes it's even confusing to veterans of the game). Whether you are just a beginner or a longtime player, here is a list of 12 golf phrases that you probably don't know but should. Write them down, and use them during your next round of golf to impress whomever you are playing with. 

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Topics: funny Golf terms