Where college students go for golf

Chelsea Sedlar

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College Golf / November 15, 2021
Club Golf Is Not Just for Guys

Club Golf Is Not Just for Guys

By Chelsea Sedlar

cam champ twitter (1)The game of golf gets a bad reputation in this day and age, and club golf is no different. The major complaint hurled at the sport is that it’s “the game of old, rich white men.” Many see golf as a game that’s too boring to watch and too frustrating to play. The women's club golf team at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill is not only challenging this narrative, but proving why they should be taken seriously after becoming the first all female team to compete at Nationals. 

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College Golf / March 30, 2021
How Are Campus Rec Departments Adapting to COVID-19?

How Are Campus Rec Departments Adapting to COVID-19?

By Chelsea Sedlar

With the number of vaccination opportunities rising and number of deaths dropping, we can all start to see the light at the end of the COVID-19 tunnel. Many campus recreation directors and club presidents I have spoken to are planning to hit the ground running in the fall, but I'm wondering what long lasting impacts this year long pandemic will have on campus recreation departments nation wide. Here are a few ways campus recreation can engage students in a safe way this semester and a look ahead to what the campus recreation landscape could look like in post-pandemic life. 

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College Golf / August 27, 2020
Instagram tips for golf clubs and teams

Instagram tips for golf clubs and teams

By Chelsea Sedlar

Whether you are building a club from the ground up or are looking to improve your current club team, social media will be an important asset!  There are over three billion people that use social media, one billion of those are people on Instagram. Instagram has quickly become one of the most used social media platforms for high school and college aged persons. Using social media to give members a platform to share their love for what they're doing at your club can become a powerful acquisition tool. Here are some Instagram tips for golf if you are starting or growing your club golf team Instagram along with some examples of club teams that have the process down! 

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Topics: College Golf Tournament

College Golf / August 12, 2020
The benefits of being a club president

The benefits of being a club president

By Chelsea Sedlar


The most common questions we get from students interested in starting a club golf club is: What is it like to be a club president and are there any benefits? There are a plethora of different ways we could answer this question because of the many different experiences that can come from being a leader on campus. That’s what makes being a club golf president so great! Although all presidents have unique experiences, we thought we'd list three of the core benefits of being the president of your club golf team.  

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College Golf / February 10, 2020
3 Reasons business majors should learn how to play golf

3 Reasons business majors should learn how to play golf

By Chelsea Sedlar

Golf and business have been linked for as long as the game has been around. The Starwood Hotel chain ran a survey with the executives who stay at their hotels and found that 97% of executives use golf to establish a closer relationship to a business associate and that 92% of businessmen and women use golf to make new business contacts. Many colleges and universities offer golf lessons or course usage to business students at a discounted rate so cost should never be an excuse. Below highlights my top 3 reasons why every business major should play golf or want to learn how to play.

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