Where college students go for golf

Spring Break Open: My Experience

By Cameron Bullman

SBO exp..jpgEvery year the Spring Break Open is something that my team and I look forward to, not only for the golf but for much more than that. Myrtle Beach is a phenomenal area that as a college student is a great spot for any vacation, especially a golf trip with either your team or some buddies.

Nextgengolf offers a very affordable rate for a memorable weekend with some friends including beach-front lodging this year. My team and I always go down a few days early and play a practice round at one of the great courses that hosts the Spring Break Open.

The Myrtle Beach area normally has amazing weather, so no matter how you play the weekend is enjoyable for all. This year we did not play as well as we would have liked, but it was the most enjoyable Spring Break Open yet! The course and their facilities were phenomenal and we had a blast playing with guys from around the country. I would highly recommend to everyone making the trip to Myrtle next year for the 2019 Spring Break Open as it will be a memorable experience for you and your team!

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