Where college students go for golf

The College Golfer Back to School Guide

By Kris Hart

Whoever came up with the idea of giving college kids three months of a break from school was a genius; it’s just the right amount of time for me to enjoy a little freedom from going to class and just enough time for me to miss the ‘fellas’ back in Blacksburg, Virginia. With that in mind, it’s that time of year again and the last time for this guy to gear up for fall semester! As the summer comes to an end and that last day of work or summer internship approaches, it’s time to start getting pumped up for the upcoming NCCGA season!

If you’re still looking for a track nearest you to play this semester, go to collegegolfpass.com and find a heap of great deals for you and your friends and make sure to suggest courses that you'd like us to receive collegiate rates at!

As co-president for the Virginia Tech Club Golf team, I’ve learned how important it is get a head start on fall preparation and scheduling. As a world-class procrastinator, I’ve noticed that I cannot delay on club golf event scheduling the same way I do in doing homework and studying for exams…it simply doesn’t work. The most important thing to get started on is:

Schedule an informational meeting for returning and potential new members. It is best to hold the meeting within the first two weeks of classes in order to give you time to hold tryouts and qualifying rounds for upcoming tournaments. Here are some key things to find out:

  • Inform everyone of important dates throughout the semester and any team guidelines that potential new members (PNM) should be aware of. You don’t want to leave out a piece of important information that may not comply with a PNM’s semester schedule.
  • If you’re looking for wicked awesome ways to fill your club’s schedule, Iowa State’s Chase Russell gives great insight on ways to have fun while fundraising, here.
  • Our VT Club team ran some social events with other club teams and/or sororities/fraternities. Like the Greek social system, we held events on Thursday nights, but you are obviously capable of holding events on whatever day or night works best for all parties involved—haha, get it “parties” involved? Anyhow, club golf isn’t just a great way to grow within the game, but to grow as an organization within the university and its campus.

I’m looking forward to the upcoming season and I sure hope you are! If you need any tips or pointers with running your club, don’t hesitate to hit me up on twitter.

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