Where college students go for golf

What to expect at a PGA NCCGA club golf tournament

By Matt Weinberger

It’s been 10 years since I first teed it up at an NCCGA club golf tournament and I couldn’t help but think how different the experience will be at PGA National Collegiate Club Golf Association tournaments this season compared to a decade ago. Being involved with the NCCGA ever since that first tournament has given me, along with our full PGA of America team, the opportunity to take steps and continue to improve every aspect of club golf. Club golfers have been instrumental in driving change for the NCCGA and making every semester better. Here is what you can expect when you tee it up in an upcoming NCCGA tournament!

Tournament experience - The NCCGA offers a competitive, yet laid back approach to college golf. We always say all swings are welcome and have golfers that shoot between 65 and 105. Since we do pairings based on scores, I can remember many head-to-head battles on Sundays with comparable golfers at rival schools. Now that the NCCGA is a part of the PGA of America, we will continue to host at new and exciting courses and work with excellent PGA Professionals across the country.

brown club golf

Team camaraderie - What I enjoyed most about club golf was being able to meet life-long friends and travel to local and national tournaments with them. Since most club golf tournaments are two days and on weekends it’s a perfect opportunity to bond with teammates but also not have the rigor of missing class time or other events on campus.

Tee gifts and sponsors - We were fortunate that Srixon / Cleveland Golf joined as a National Partner in 2013. Ever since then, they have impacted thousands of club golfers by providing golf balls to all players at all events. Club golfers are lucky to have the support of many other fine partners as well including Precision Pro Golf and Imperial Headwear. 

The NCCGA has been a major part of my life for 10 years. I’m very proud of what we have been able to do creating a community of avid golfers of all skill levels. There is one message we always say to students entering college, every student has the opportunity to play golf in college. The NCCGA is a perfect opportunity to compete, meet new golfers, and stay active in the game we all love.

If our staff can ever help you get involved with club golf at your school, please reach out to team@nccga.org for more info. 

Matt Weinberger
NCCGA Commissioner
University of Dayton ‘13

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