Where college students go for golf

Teams Utilize OGIO Customization on New College Golf Bags

By Travis Richardson

OGIO has now been providing NCCGA and City Tour players with high-quality custom golf bags, backpacks, duffel bags for more than six months since the partnership was officially announced. We are very thankful for the relationship with OGIO and are excited to see how individuals and teams will continue to customize their equipment. I wanted to include some of my favorite products and college golf bags thus far.

The Delaware and Oregon Club Golf teams are just a few of the club teams who have taken advantage of the discounted equipment OGIO offers to the Nextgengolf community. The Ducks brought theirs to the Spring NCCGA National Championship. How cool are their bags?

The NCCGA Student Leaders, pictured below at NCCGA Nationals, would like to thank OGIO for the sweet backpacks. Personclub golf student leaders ogio backpacksally, I have been traveling a lot this summer and have really grown to like my backpack because it has a lot of cushion for my laptop, looks stylish and, most importantly, has the NCCGA logo on it.

Furthermore, the University of Florida Club Golf Team received custom backpacks for winning the 2015 Spring NCCGA National Championship at Bryan Park Golf Course in North Carolina. After talking with a few students on the team, I have heard nothing but great feedback about them!

There's no need to be jealous though. OGIO provides exclusive discounts to Nextgengolf community members on custom college golf bags, backpacks, travel bags, and more. Check out the link above to learn more about the options and prices available.

**Brandon Harrold is the 2015 NCCGA President.

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