If you live in the Big Apple chances are your lifestyle is a busy and hectic one. Golfing is the perfect way to set aside some time for yourself to relax and spend some time with friends. But NYC is so congested with buildings are there any leagues near me? Yes! Virtual and simulator golf leagues are the new and upcoming thing in the city. Not a virtual golf fan? That’s alright because NYC has golf courses in and outside of the City. Keep on reading to find the league that best fits your golf interest.
Five Iron Indoor - Five Iron Golf is a re-imagined, high-tech, inclusive urban golf experience for golfers and non-golfers alike. There are two locations in New York City with leagues at each venue. Their league is designed to bring a competitive aspect to a fun experience. Teams will go head to head on Monday and Tuesday nights over a seven week period. Five Iron is all about flexibility. Teams choose which night works best for them and your team members can fluctuate. Five Iron keeps things fresh and exciting with different formats each week and different weekly prizes. Click here to learn more about Five Iron Golf.Nextgengolf New York City Tour – Nextgengolf offers team-based golf opportunities for adults 21+ in New York and New Jersey. There are 4-5 events that take place throughout the summer at different golf courses within an hour of Manhattan. There are no membership fees, no handicaps needed and the tournaments are held at high end courses such as Fox Hollow and Centennial Golf Club. All swings are welcome in the best ball or scramble formats. Learn more about the New York City Tour.
We hope the above information is helpful if you are looking for a golf league in New York. Below are a few other resources which may be helpful for you if you are a golfer in NYC.