Adapting to a new generation of golfers

Benefits of playing a 2-person scramble or best ball format

By Matt Weinberger

When we started the City tour in 2015, our goal was to identify a unique, team-based tournament format that welcomed players of all ability levels. With all the feedback we received, we implemented a competitive yet relaxed 2-person format option.

Before each tournament we allow teams to choose to play in either a 2-person best ball or 2-person scramble pair format. We don’t factor in handicaps as most millennial golfers don’t carry an active handicap or keep it up-to-date.

Josh Johns from Cincinnati, who has played in the past 3 City Tour Championships, said “I like two person formats the most because of the mental aspect. You have to be in sync with your partner, trust each other, and calculate every shot, or it is impossible to go low." Here are 4 reasons we chose the 2-person format option:

balls deep

1. Team-based golf is fun - We can all agree that playing team-based golf can be a lot of fun. Whether it’s best ball or scramble, it’s great to have the support of a partner (especially when you can’t play and practice as much as you used to).

2. Equitable scoringWhen golfers find out about the City Tour and the format, the most common question we receive is why we chose a 2-person format instead of the standard 4-person format. One of the biggest complaints about 4-person scramble outings is people often cheat or don’t record honest scores. By playing 2-person pairs from two different teams it provides an attest. 

3. It saves the blow-up holes – Nothing is more frustrating than having the one (or more!) blow up holes in a round. We have found even scratch golfers have more fun when their partner can bail them out for that occasional head-scratcher of a hole.

Weinbergers City Tour

4. Great for people less experienced in “tournament golf” – Many people just don’t have the amount of time they used to play or practice. Playing in a stroke play tournament can be intimidating, so the 2-person format is perfect for enjoying a great course but not having the stress of stroke play.

If you are interested in learning more about the City Tour, check out this link or email

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