One question we here at Nextgengolf receive frequently is: "What type of golfers play on the City Tour?". While everyone is different, and has their own background in the game of golf, we've discovered a few traits that consistently are heard time and time again from golfers.
Here's a look at the traits the define the average City Tour player.
Loves Golf
The #1 trait found in every City Tour golfer is a love of the game. From the weekend warriors to the overly competitive, they are all tied together by their passion for golf.
Millennials (18-34 years old) are busy. Between school, internships, jobs, careers, family, and a social life, there is less time for golf. The City Tour provides summer tournaments one Sunday each month, allowing each person to live life and play golf.
College Student
These two traits are evenly divided amongst the City Tour, which allows both current and former college students to compete. The City Tour has young professionals starting their careers in insurance, finance, law, teaching, and numerous other professions. It also has future young professionals, students that participate come from such schools as Northeastern, Oklahoma State, Baylor, Delaware, DePaul, Bridgewater State, Dartmouth and many more.
Golf is known as a networking sport. After all, it's frequently played by business men and women and often with clients. Numerous blogs and articles discuss topics that include "How to play golf with your boss" and "Closing a deal on the golf course". The City Tour is a great place to meet new friends/clients/partners in your area, or even to entertain clients.
Sometimes it's tough to stop the competitive juices from flowing. But what options are available for a competitive golfer? There's various amateur golf tours out there, but there are pros and cons to all of them. The City Tour provides a competitive outlet for former/current college golfers (both club golf and varsity), as well as stud amatuers. Last year a City Tour golfer in Atlanta shot a 62 and his best-ball pair fired an unbelievable 57.
We strive to run professional golf tournaments for golfers of all skill levels. But we also want everyone to have fun. It's why we offer two longest drive and two closest to the pin contests at every tournament. And it's hard not to notice how much fun City Tour players have playing with their friends.
Who wants to pay $120+ for a one round golf tournament, on top of an expensive membership fee? City Tour players have better things to spend their money on. Several are in college paying for school, while others are young professionals saving for houses, vacations and more long-term plans. No membership fees to join, plus affordable golf tournaments make the City Tour a great place for golfers that know how to spend affordably.
Who doesn't miss the good ole days of high school and/or college golf? Playing golf as a team, winning and losing together, inside jokes, and playing against rivals. The City Tour provides the chance to relive the days of playing golf as a team. Teams of 4/6 play either best-ball or scramble format. Former college teammates have reunited to continue dominating again even after graduation.
Do any of these traits fit you? We'd love to have you participate on the City Tour this summer! Take a look at the 20 cities we are operating tournaments in this summer: 2017 Summer Schedule.