If you live in a colder or generally rainy climate you sometimes have no choice but to play when the rain starts coming down. Knowing that our days on the course are numbered, most of the time we suck it up and play. As long as it is not freezing cold (or lightning) it can be a pretty fun time. The reason a majority of us end up walking off the course is because we don’t have the right stuff in the bag that day. Anyone who carries their bag often, isn’t going to lug around the extra gear. Having just a few of the following items in your bag can be the difference between finishing the last 5 holes in the rain or calling it a day on the 13th green.
- Rain apparel- A proper rain jacket and rain pants is the #1 key to successful rain golf in my opinion. For those that are in warmer climates with rain, I suggest using half-sleeve jacket. For those in colder climates with rain, I would stick to the long sleeve jackets. Rain paints can also be key depending on the temperature. For water resistant clothing we suggest using ProQuip products. From personal experience, the quality of the product is top notch and they have a wide breadth of products for any inclement weather occasion.
>>Jackets, half-sleeves and more>>
2.) Rain Gloves- It's possible to play a few holes in the rain without having grip issues. But once your bag starts to get a little wet and your grips begin to absorb the water, it becomes very difficult to handle your clubs. Rain gloves can be extremely helpful to finish out your round with a decent grip on the club. A lightweight item that's worth keeping in the bag.
3. Umbrella- Depending on the type of bag you carry, keeping an umbrella can be cumbersome and/or annoying. However, while raining it can be your best ally. Not just to keep yourself dry but to keep your clubs and bag dry throughout the round. We'd suggest keeping an umbrella in your trunk at the very least.
4. Extra Towel(s)- Once the rain stops, you are going to need something to wipe yourself and your grips with. Especially if you weren’t wearing rain gear. A pro tip is to keep a try towel under your umbrella hanging by one of the spokes.
Rarely is anyone going to play better in the rain than in dry conditions, everyone is going to struggle. Being the only guy who is dry after the rain stops can be a huge advantage. We hope these tips on golfing in the rain helped!