Adapting to a new generation of golfers

How to Be the Best Dressed Golfer at Spring Break

By Colby Morris

Ever since I started playing golf, I always lived by the mantra “look good, play good.”  As my love for golf grew while growing up, I was always fascinated by the golfers who wore ridiculous and crazy designer outfits.  As Payne Stewart once said, “My father always said the easiest way to set yourself apart in a crowd is by the way you dress.”  Well Payne, like yourself, I’m always on the lookout for golf apparel that will set the tone once I approach that first tee box.   

When it comes to Spring Break essentials, in regards to apparel, it’s all about the blends of colors and designs that the clothes have to offer.  After all, it is Spring Break, so you want to be looking fresh and vibrant as the new season starts.  Finding that prime color coordination can really make you stand out on the links and maybe even be an intimidation factor to your opponents.

The main key is that your outfit all has to flow with one another: hat, top, belt, bottom, socks, and shoes all have to be in line with each other.  Based on the location of your Spring Break, here are some outfit examples that could maybe even get your own line of clothing started:

1) Miami

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 The Miami orange and blue water resonate with this outfit.  Putting those two together on this top will really keep you connected with the locals on the course.  Then pairing the top with the sleek performance white pants will really provide that distinguished and elegant look golfers pursue.  White is the color of perfection, which is what the conditions call for down in Miami.

2) Cancun

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Bordering the Caribbean Sea, this outfit is nice and light just like the vibes radiating all around you.  With all the beautiful resorts and beaches around, the tropical orange brings out the joy in you as you get to enjoy playing on the gorgeous courses Cancun has to offer.  The shorts are designed with palm trees and pineapples to represent the clear water you’ll be surrounded by and the delicious margaritas!

3) Bahamas

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 Neighboring Miami, the Bahamas calls out for the wild outfits as the experience will be quite adventurous!  With a wild berry top to go with the tropical reef bottoms, this outfit will show of your exquisiteness to the islands.

4) Maui

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 Welcome to the electric factory.  With Maui being placed in the Central Pacific Ocean, the blue and green combo illuminates the waterfalls and encompassing forests that lead to the peak of the volcanoes on the island.  The sapphire blue shorts simply express the aqua beauty of the most famous island of the Hawaiian archipelago.

5) Myrtle Beach

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One of the hubs for Spring Break Students across the United States.  With a 60 mile long strip of beaches, the navy blue vest will keep you cool from that soothing beach breeze while bringing the heat with the Port Royal jaguar shorts. And don't forget about the belt, which can make or break the entire outfit. Grab custom golf belts at discount through Clazic. You can even get a custom logo printed on your belt to stand out even more!

When your clothes are ready, book a Spring Break golf trip through Nextgengolf. And just as a reminder, “Clothes make the man.”

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