Adapting to a new generation of golfers

Switching from a feel player to using a rangefinder

By Mike Devlin


I wouldn't consider myself "old" by any means. However, when I was growing up rangefinders didn't exist. When they started becoming prevalent, I was skeptical and wanted nothing to do with them.  I was stuck in my old ways of pacing off yardage from sprinkler heads, using pin-sheets when available and going with my gut on certain shots.

From 100 yards and in I was the ultimate "feel" player.   I would pace off a rough estimate of my shot, envision what my shot would look like and take a few small practice swings until i felt I had the right approach to the shot. Don't get me wrong, it worked very well for me. But as I've grown to learn in order to get to the next level in golf you sometimes have to sacrifice what is comfortable for you in order to cut down on inaccuracies as a player.

It wasn't until I was 22 and was playing in a member-guest tournament that I first used a rangefinder. There was a caddy in our group and he insisted on "lasering" all of our shots. I didn't have the heart to tell him I hated the idea of rangefinders so I continued to take his readings. By the end of the weekend I felt more dependent on my numbers than ever before. 

I got my first GolfBuddy rangefinder shortly after that and immediately started seeing a difference in my game. My good approaches got a little closer and my misses dropped considerably. Another huge benefit to me that I had never considered is being able to laser driving distances and shots over water; helping to eliminate any danger. These days I use the LR7 Rangefinder which I would suggest to anyone that is still a feel player and looking to make the switch. For someone that doesn't have the steadiest hand I can still laser pins and other objects very easily. 

I would recommend to any player looking to maximize their game to consider using a rangefinder and give it at least 5 rounds to see if you like it. New is different, which can be scary to golfers but I guarantee it will help you in the end. 

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