Adapting to a new generation of golfers

What to expect at City Tour tournaments in 2021

By Connor Brown

We are excited that the City Tour will continue to operate at courses across the country.  While the start of the season will be similar to last year as far as tournament operations go, we hope to be back to somewhat normalcy at some point this summer. Please see below for a overview on how tournaments will look this year and what you can expect when coming out to participate!

It’s important that we provide a great experience for all players. In order to do so, we will be conducting a course-specific approach to the onsite experience taking into consideration all local and state regulations along with the general Back2Golf Guidelines. Prior to each tournament, our team will be communicating what to expect as we know things will be different from City Tour tournaments in the past.  We will be working with the PGA Professional to communicate cart procedures, range and practice area statuses, and any other COVID-19 specific rules.  

Please note the onsite experience will be different city by city, and potentially from one event to the next depending on how things progress throughout the year.  In general, here is what you can expect to find at City Tour events this year:

  • Social distancing will be a priority for everything done onsite
  • Registrations will be done while maintaining social distancing and minimizing touch as much as possible. In some cases your tee gifts and scorecards will be setup in the carts upon arrival.
  • Formal pre or post-round gatherings will not take place.  We will communicate the status of whether the clubhouse, restroom facilities, and food and beverage options are accessible
  • All skins game payments will be handled electronically (no onsite cash accepted)
  • Digital rules sheets will be provided prior to competition. There will be no physical rules sheets
  • Flagstick and Bunker local rules will be communicated on the rules sheet
  • Digital scoring will be the preferred format again for the season.  Course staff will have a single scorecard for each group. One person in each group will be responsible to record all scores for the group and send it virtually (email or text) to the City Tour staff 
  • All City Tour prizes will be digital gift cards

The City Tour staff ask that you take the following precautions:

  • Please avoid handshakes or physical contact of any kind
  • Follow all state, local, and course guidelines
  • Wash hands and use sanitizer frequently
  • Refrain from touching your face, eyes, nose, lips or mouth 
  • Please monitor CDC and WHO guidelines for best practices
  • Please do your best to act in a healthy and responsible manner
  • If you feel sick please stay home
  • If you “test positive” for the COVID-19 virus at any point within 14 days of being at the golf course, please contact our staff immediately 

If you have further questions, please email Matt Weinberger 

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